Not even Nintendo has managed to move even 100 million copies of games like Super Mario Bros or Wii Sports despite bundling them with hardware. When the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X version of Grand Theft Auto V is released next year, we fully expect the sales to speed up even more and selling 200 million sold copies seems like a realistic thing now, something no AAA game has ever done, and the only game that beats this record is Minecraft with 238 million - but it can hardly be called AAA. It was also revealed that Red Dead Redemption 2 continues to sell at a an impressive speed as well and moved two million copies during the last quarter, and the lifetime sales of Arthur Morgan's adventures has now climbed to 39 million sold copies ( Red Dead Redemption sold 23 million copies). This means the game has now sold an unbelievable 155 million copies. An incredible number, and borderline unreal for a title released in 2013. Hotgame Magazine - Hotgame Online Indonesia - Review Game Terbaru - Cheat Game - Walktrough - GTA 5, GTa San Andreas - Game rilis Play Station, XBOX, PC, Nintendo, Android, iPhone, PSP, Vita Grand Theft Auto V Online atau yang biasa hanya disingkat GTA Online adalah versi Multiplayernya GTA 5 dengan menggunakan Map yang sama yakni Map Los Santos dan sekitarnya. Tonight, Take-Two revealed how much the game has sold during the last quarter (July-September), which is five million copies. And chances are pretty good that Grand Theft Auto V soon will be the best selling game for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X as well, as the enhanced version is coming next year. It was also the best selling AAA game for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Grand Theft Auto V was the best selling AAA game for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.