Open the Registry Editor by hitting Start and typing “regedit.” Press Enter to open Registry Editor and give it permission to make changes to your PC.

RELATED: Learning to Use the Registry Editor Like a Pro And definitely back up the Registry (and your computer!) before making changes. That said, if you’ve never worked with it before, consider reading about how to use the Registry Editor before you get started. This is a pretty simple hack and as long as you stick to the instructions, you shouldn’t have any problems. Standard warning: Registry Editor is a powerful tool and misusing it can render your system unstable or even inoperable. To turn off wallpaper compression in Windows 10, you’ll have to make a minor change to the Windows Registry. Option Two: Turn Off Compression in the Windows Registry If you prefer turning off compression altogether, then read on. That’s all you have to do to trick Windows into using a high quality, uncompressed image.